
Honda Fit - the perfect car for city and suburban dwellers who don’t need to use the highway. Massive amount of cargo space inside, tiny dimensions on the outside.

Illinois is a bit weird about this. We’re not allowed to fire off the flying stuff, but we can have sparklers, smoke bombs, snakes, and stuff like that. It’s a little silly because the law, which is several decades old, is supposed to be about safety, but sparklers can burn the crap out of your skin.

I hate having to pull into a small town gas station restroom. There are some doozies here in Texas. It seems every time I go offroading out in East Texas, my buddies always stop at the same place for cheap gas in Gilmer, TX. Inevitably I need to take a leak before hitting the OHV park, so I go find the John, it always

Any gas station within half a mile of an interstate highway in the south. The incessant smell of pee, pot and gasoline, the humid stickiness of everything you touch, the questionable characters hanging out in the energy-drink bottle littered parking lot, and the cashier barricaded behind milky plexiglass selling lotto

Its really not that difficult to keep a child calm unless you are just that stupidly unprepared.”

Norovirus story is the winner.

People who go barefoot on the airplane or who wear socks and walk to the bathroom are extremely disgusting. Socks are a great way to soak up all the pee/poo liquid on the bathroom floor and track it back to their seat and into their shoes.  But at least that only affects them.

That public defender will absolutely be laughing about this as well, don’t you worry.

Why are we even still holding Zoom court sessions these days?”

As an attorney doing these regularly, the answer is that it’s spectacularly more efficient for all involved on any number of levels, and is an extremely good thing to do, especially for a branch of government. Zoom meetings are absolutely an appropriate

As an attorney who has been making 95% of his appearances via Zoom/Teams (except for trials and major motion arguments that will take a long time and/or require a review of exhibits) I can tell you that this is infinitely better for everyone involved, including the clients.

I hadn’t considered the possibility that he’d had plenty of practice with this sort of thing, but you’re almost certainly right haha

Speaking of next-level dumb...

For this sort of thing, it is MUCH more efficient than gathering a crowd of people into a building somewhere while they wait for their 5 minutes in front of a judge. They do many dozens of cases a day.

I can understand it in certain circumstances, like traffic court. Some people are at a disadvantage when it comes to transportation, childcare, or low-wage jobs with strict attendance policies. Being able to appear by Zoom for only a few minutes and removing the time-suck of getting to the courthouse, finding the

Easiest case to prosecute? Literally phoning it in. :-D  Except it was the *defendant* phoning in the prosecution’s best evidence!

Nope, if I don’t have to be in court I’m going. Especially some conveyor belt court room like traffic court. In most cases, the best thing you can do in court is shut up and let your lawyer talk, anyways. Everyone there is being paid to be there, no one in that court room is donating their time. 

All the government workers didn’t take time out of their day to show up, it IS their job to show up every day.

I think the prosecution in this case is priceless. Holding your hand over your face to keep from laughing out loud is awesome. You KNOW she is taking this to friends and family for years.  “OK, you will not BELIEVE that this actually happened to me at work - one of the easiest cases I have ever had to prosecute. 

The look on the judge’s face when he sees the guy driving, as if to say, “Wait, is the thing that appears to be happening actually happening?” is funny as all get out.

The look of absolute bemusement on the judge’s face coupled with the slowly dawning look of understanding on the dumbass’s face, together, are simply...