
“Those aren’t pillows!”

My uncle gave me a box full of cologne samples that he picked up at Macys and Nordstrom. My dad was so pissed off that he banned him from every visiting again.

Ice Pirates was awesome!

I always ask that question. How they answer it tells you a lot.

As a former 1999 Integra GS owner (I miss that car so much!), this is an abomination. Fugly as hell, and it looks like a Civic hatchback with “Integra” plastered on some rice boy body kit. I’m glad that I kept my expectations low, because Acura. Why can’t they make fun cars anymore?

Yes - I never give alcohol to people who don’t drink, or I don’t know their tastes. I’ll give something else instead. I usually make limoncello for the Holiday season, and I give it out to people who will enjoy it.

A former colleague had a 850CSi, and it was a beast. I had the pleasure of enjoying several spirited rides in it. He said the maintenance was $$$$ though because it had 2 of everything.

Thank you for posting this!

Why did you turn?

I call it “crap from a can”. Homemade or go home.

CA has been pushing their so-called “Real-ID” crap and when you look at all of the paperwork you need for one, why bother? It was much easier getting my passport, which will work anywhere.

I just updated my mom’s old laptop with Linux Mint and it runs faster than it ever did with Windows installed. She loves it too - I installed LibreOffice and everything has worked very well.

Minardi actually had their act together and did pretty well with what little they had - they even scored points with Mark Webber. Haas is dumpster fire and probably one of the worst F1 teams ever.

Well done! Take your star!

Pretty much anything from the 80's.

You should see the roads here in CA. That road looks good compared to some here in San Francisco.

You should see the roads here in CA. That road looks good compared to some here in San Francisco.

Underrated comment. One of my favorite videos.

Given the “security” I’ve seen at airport parking, wouldn’t surprise me if it was an inside job.

I would vote for “Queen of Housewives”, which was really good. Coffee Prince and Pasta also come to mind.