Take your star!
Take your star!
This deserves more stars!
Obligatory elderberry reference:
Hangar One actually makes a version of their vodka that’s infused with Buddha’s Hand. It has a light citrus flavor but I prefer limoncello instead because it has a stronger lemon flavor.
I’ve often had pizza for breakfast. Leftover lasagna also works. I’ll definitely try this variation out. I can make a vegetarian version for my wife.
My wife is vegetarian and I’ve made a veggie version of this. Always generous with the mash of course - she loves it.
My favorite alarm clock. I wish they still made this. My sister got this from my dad because she was terrible at getting up.
I had a pair of sparrows in my house one day who got in through the kitchen vent on the roof. I managed to get one out the front door while the other one was panicking in another room. I had my wife close all doors to make a path to the front door, and eventually encouraged the other one to get out. A fun morning.
The only “basketball shoes” I ever had were the old school Converse Chuck Taylors.
Same in China - no one ever tips there. That’s why I like eating out without having to worry about being forced to pay an extra 25% tip, which is ridiculous.
I love watching old footage like this. Here’s some nice on-board from the Nurburgring 1967:
I’ve gone with LL Bean’s jeans, which fit relatively well. For more dressy pants and suits I just get them custom made through Indochino. I haven’t had much luck with the so-called “athletic” jeans but at least I have some ideas to try out here.
The one I go to has fresh meat from local farms and also fish. They also take EBT and also WIC.
Two words: farmer’s market. No app needed. I get relatively cheap produce direct from the farms and much better than anything from a store.
1) Fire that assclown track designer Herman Tilke
2) ?
3) Profit!
As a former Integra owner: NO FUCKING WAY!
I love Dale Hansen. he calls like he sees it and we need to clone that guy.
Oh yes - buy the good stuff on sale instead of paying multiple times for the cheap stuff.
More stars!
From my personal experience: