
I’ve taken a bunch of courses on DataCamp too, both in Python and R. Some of them were a mixed bag, and really depends on the instructor and how the course itself is structured. Some were pretty bad, while some were great.

Reminds me of when my parent’s neighbors were moving into a care home. All of their children were next door fighting over all kinds of stupid stuff, including a vacuum cleaner - seriously. I saw people getting physical, yelling, name calling, everything.

I took a similar approach. Started off easy with coffee shops, then moved up the chain with better places, sometimes an activity during the weekend, etc. Worked pretty well for the most part since we could both have fun.

Henry Hawk should be higher.

Things have improved a lot over the past few years. My mom got some veggie burgers for my wife for a visit and they were pretty damn good. I forget the brand offhand but it was highly recommended by a vegetarian couple at a store she shopped at.

My wife is vegetarian, and I make a similar black bean burger with quinoa, navy beans and barley. She loves it, and it also makes for a good stir fry as well.

Grilled onions and cheese. Nothing else is necessary.

I like smaller burgers that I can actually eat without either:
1) Unhinging my jaw like a snake
2) Require the use of a knife to cut it like a steak

I don’t get these tall burgers that look like a Dagwood sandwich.

More stars!

If you’re in the Bay Area, and want to find some nice trails, check out That site has been around for a very long time and is periodically updated with new hikes. 

Seriously - hit the trails!


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Reminds me of Mark Webber in Valencia 2010:

This is why I always run their 401k past my CFA, who deals with this stuff all the time. She’s been able to provide a lot of good advice about which funds are good and which ones suck. I’ve turned down offers because of badly performing 401k plans.

I find it easier to just walk around more. Hiking and bicycling are easy in pretty much any vacation spot.

Nothing new here in SF/Silicon Valley. I worked at a company back where we had someone with a motorhome in the parking lot and had a small car to run around. Given the current rental costs RV sales have soared to the moon, and people are living in RV’s instead of renting because of the scarcity and it’s more practical.

Reminds me of the first 3 weeks of NCAA football when teams like Alabama face off against Middle of Nowhere State.

+MAX_INT for this. There’s no “right” wine for any meal. Just drink what you like.

Two words: farmer’s market. There are some farmers that I chat up all the time and have close relationships with.