
That wasn’t an ST though, nor a hot hatch. They literally just had a bunch of spare ST parts they needed to get rid of, and that’s all the ST-line cars were.

Odd that they claim drag to be boring for its lack of turns then

Jesus, they were going over the tires walls at night? That’s super sketchy. I can see why it wasn’t run last year. 

There’s a handful of stations in my city where you can buy non-ethanol gas. It’s either labeled as that or labeled as “recreational fuel”. Usually more expensive than normal pump 87, but nowhere near $40/gallon. 

Yeah, I’ve only done HPDE there and it was not confidence inspiring, even without full course passing. Champcar has Nelson on their schedule for a 24 hour race in July, but as of today there’s only two cars signed up.

“little skill involved” Tell me you’ve never driven down a drag strip without telling me you’ve never driven down a drag strip...

I know a handful of Ohio PCA people who outright refused to go to old Ledges because it was so shitty. They refuse to go to it still after it’s been redone, which is a shame, because it rocks now. If they made a few parts a little wider, cleaned up the runoffs, and built facilities that... didn’t suck, it would easily

Hydrogen isn’t a good automotive fuel for mass market applications. Here’s why:

Did you actually read the article?

Meanwhile the guys that rather prefer low rpms and rumbling exhaust notes will cruise in their 4.2 V8s or higher...

It’s a racecar, it doesn’t matter. Anyways, VW people routinely make 400+ hp reliably with a similar 16v turbo setup, except stock crank and block. 

I don’t often agree with your takes, but I’m glad you said this one, because, yeah

For consumer automotive applications, Hydrogen is, has always been, and always will be a junk technology. As much as we want it to happen, it almost certainly won’t, and shouldn’t. Here’s a short form essay from one of my fellow Oppositelock Kinja exiles over at our new home, the Hyphen, which you (yes you) should

The second-generation Toyota MR2, well, people don’t talk about that one.

Welcome to Ohio! Planning to hit Nelson Ledges or Mid-Ohio this year? 

What state are you living in now? How do they handle rebuild inspections? In Ohio, we have to take them to a Highway Patrol facility, where they look it over, make sure it’s not about to fall apart, that it has lights and passable tires/brakes, and that no parts that were replaced were stolen (ie bring a receipt from

Running a script from a repo on a public site as administrator seems like a... bad idea.

To add... British cars are not desired in their niche in spite of these facts, but because of them. The absolute lack of reliability and necessity of work are what makes them fun.

As a “car movie” it sucks if you want it to be a Very Serious Affair, but if you drop that pretense and accept it for the camp that it is, it rules. 

Ohio. A few lovely things I’ve noticed, apart from the left lane fuckery previously noted: