
You meant “sandal-wearing foot,” right? Because it’s the foot doing the wearing of the sandal? Or is there more to this sandal than I understand, and it is the one wearing the foot?

I like the look of this game in pictures, but the way the characters jerkily move in that weird stuttery low-FPS way they do is deeply, viscerally upsetting, and I can’t get past it, and I’ll never be able to play this or even watch a playthrough of it. I wish I were joking, because you make it sound like a neat game.

Great article, full stop. Thanks for bringing to light some amazing people I had no idea existed, even though I was aware of most of the things they’ve worked on... which tells me how necessary this article was.

Good for her. I loved reading this. Just made me happy, full stop.

I’m one of the players who decided to just quit playing partway through when I found out that “twist” of the achievement. As boring as I found the game (the stories are fine, I just hated the gameplay loop of slooooowly walking around to get to them), I had no interest in getting to an ending that felt like the game

I would have never guessed she was the shinkansen voice in a million years. The last time I visited Japan, I spent two weeks taking the train nearly every day to visit a different place (I was going back for the first time in eight years and visiting all the people I knew from back then, who had since moved friggin’

Honestly, I kind of feel the opposite. I’m okay with a show like Monster Musume precisely becuase, from top to bottom, it’s all fanservice. But I have a friend who’s tried to get me into a few shonen anime, and I can’t do it with a lot of them because every time I start to take it seriously, bam, underage girl boobs.