
won’t something something the mashers

Yeah. The line between “mashup” and “two different things combined in a novel and exciting way” is strictly a matter of execution. Shaun of the Dead is a mashup (rom-zom-com!), for chrissake.

Mean, but fair. Mashups can be great, art even. Avalanches anyone?

“Mashups, by their very nature, are trash.”

Me: So, have you heard about this Tide Pod Challenge thing on YouTube?

Kids today. In my day, kids who were ingesting horrible things at least did it to get high.

I can’t wait for this nostalgia bubble to pop so they can concentrate on making a movie/show good instead of how many references they can jam in there.

The time is finally right for my 90s period horror film to be made. It’s called Trap her, Keep her and it’s about a demon summoned by a haunted, but also totally rad, trapper keeper. The demon traps teenage girls and keeps them in his torture dungeon.

Five Star notebooks were for feeling grown up. You weren’t a kid anymore when you started bringing them to school in your blue Jansport backpack with either the brown leather or black rubber bottom.

Banned! I remember a kid named Alex slowly savoring the loud Velcro opening of his Trapper Keeper in fifth grade. The classroom would be silent and then “vvvrrrrrrrrrrr”, just a matter of moments before our teacher would lose her cool. I think ours were banned the year after!

Can you say GOLDBERGS ripoff.

Whatever they do, they’ll fuck it up. I doubt I’ll ever be satisfied with any remembrance of the 90's other than my own. I just don’t think I’ll be able to break that.

I was going to write something complaining about nostalgia but I was too busy flipping back and forth between that 70's show, The Wonder Years, and Quantum Leap reruns.

The 90s was for Five Star binders, wasn’t it?

Which was just Vh1's I Love The 90s: The Listicle

Buzzfeed’s Only 90's Kids Will Remember: The Series.

everything sucks?? who knows

That kid in the back row types 80085 on his calculator, but then the kid he passes it to turns it over and reads, SBOOB?

“Everything Sucks” sounds like the title of next Taylor Swift hit single.

Pop-Up Video nearly gave me PTSD when it first started.