
It was brought up in Cat’s presser in the season opener that the Speaker was lobbying for it

The Mars stuff was boring (save the pointless but awesome Britney scene). The Maggie stuff was great though , the character is developing nicely , just in time for the break-up!

hope she carries a laminated card with the romeo and juliet laws on her at all times.. AGAIN....

I can only assume that she zapped them to a better place. Specifically Albuquerque.

They’re just so sick of all the poutine and free healthcare. That plus a head of state who doesn’t insult grieving military wives on a daily basis. Ugh, what a hellhole.

Uhh I guess you yall didnt notice the Barenaked Ladies playing too? Somebody left their 90s Pandora playlist on for this episode.

Man, it seriously Alex a lot less sympathetic that her response to hearing about Maggie’s father being a horrible abusive bastard is to invite him to the wedding shower. We get that you miss Dean Cain but holy crap.

Yeah that’s a hell of a way to go for WB continuity.

Thank you for sharing that additional context. It makes me appreciate the scene a little more now.

I also thought her father’s explanation for rejecting her was bullshit. First, it makes no sense that Earth-38 would be building a Trump-esque wall along the Mexican border, since Lynda Carter is the very pro-immigrant U.S. president in that version of America. It felt like the writers wanting to get a dig in about

Yeah, that seemed off to me. She spent last season trying not to kill aliens.

Ummmmmmm... No mention of this in the review which surprises me. Can we talk about Kara not just killing White Martians, but doing it very casually? They were the bad guys, yes. They’ve committed genocide, yes. But it’s still very, very weird to see Supergirl kill without giving it a second thought.

Not only did Supergirl enter to Britney Spears, she made a joke about how she shoulda taken a left turn at Albuquerque.

Wasn’t his audition for Megan Fox ultimately “make me hard”

How has Michael Bay not come up in sexual harassment allegations? His audition for Megan Fox was basically “make me hard”

It’s been a couple of hundreds of years and Hank thought for sure that he was the last of his kind. So, I’m cool with him losing his composure after finding out that not only is he not alone but it’s his beloved dad.

Yeah but Maggie’s story about her dad dropping her off at her aunt’s house on the side of the road was just as heartbreaking as watching Hank/J’onnz mind meld flashback

“Michael Bay has already proven that he’s extremely good at translating beloved cartoons into virtually unrecognizable movies”

Bringing in Carl Lumbly was such a fantastic decision by the Supergirl creative team. He knocked it out of the park.

David Harewood is often a fine actor (“I am Cyborg Superman!” notwithstanding) but in the scene where he finds out his father is alive, he got all wild-eyed and manic and at one point delivered a line as though he was doing a Daffy Duck impression. Of all the weird performances this show has been home to, that moment