
He picked a hell of a week to quit.

And the analysts say they aren’t going to even do *that!*

Not even Sean O’Neil’s patented snark can save this one.

I love this shit.

It’s like he cut his teeth in rap battles or something.

And nothing if value was lost that day.

And nothing of value was lost that day.

Depp was in the first Fantastic Beasts for under a minute. It’s not too late guys!

Avatar/comment synergy!

I totally look forward to it walking home empty handed.

I know you’re trolling, but because it was released after the September 30th cutoff date.

Good, no reason for me to watch! Yay!

“Royals,” with its boring, nothing beat, was anything but catchy.

Lee-sen to them! Childrren of dah night!

And then... the oral sex!

Don’t contests like this get thrown around all the time (except they aren’t called contests...)? And doesn’t Fox News *always* land at the bottom—even among people who don’t watch news?

Now playing

“Felaz Navidad” gets a pass from me by sering Big Bird & a little girl ice skating to it

Now playing

Kurtis Blow’s “Christmas Rapping” > “Christmas Wrapping”

“I don’t get inundated by Christmas music, and listen only to the stuff I want to, thanks to my iPod Classic.”