
Is this a thing people do?

Hoobastank - The Reason

Pictured above: Julian Assange telling us which Final Fantasy game is the most overrated.

Oh my god, they killed Kenny?

Hehe, I see what you did there

“Liberals are offended by this video of a Keurig being thrown off of a building.

Counterpoint: hidden tracks were dead long before streaming. They died during the rip/mix/burn era of the early-2000s, when you could easily see a song’s length before it played.

The Beatles would like a word with you.

That is sooooo 1991.

It’s practically part of the fucking job description.

I’m.so fucking tired of Keenan’s LaVar Ball and his egotistical grandstanding.

I envy you.

Who said we were proud?

Sarcasm is hard to read on the internet.

Elevator Action you say?

So this is, by default, the best 3D Castlevania then?

I don’t want to defend his actions, but I don’t know how to feel about this move...

