
Isn’t that “Deportés” or did my high school Spanish teacher lie to me?

“Only here, and in Mississippi.”

The *Other* Weinstein’s Company (his brother, who’s still there)

But this time they get to make fun of *graphic novels* instead of Flash animations!

Barenaked Ladies?

I find that character kind of one-note, but that’s just my opinion.

So I’m confused. Was this paid product placement or not (yesterday’s writeup seemed to suggest that it was)?

“Remember #CancelJost?

Username checks out

I still remember when AOL IM was limited to AOL-members only. In fact, I weighed that as a con when I was tasked with deciding whether to move my family off of it. Then they spun off AIM to everyone and we ended our subscription.

Um, about that...

There was even a way to insert the current time (as in: “is it X:XX:XX already?? 😮 “) and the viewer’s screen name (as in: “I can’t forget about you, XXXXX”)

I almost went to this school for Computer Science.

Trump’s soul is an appalling dump heap, overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable!

Well duh.

It’s ok, Han shot first.

“Charismatic” might be stretching it...

“...video of his 13-year-old self crooning his love for his ancestral island. (And how much the young Miranda hated New York.)“

So the truth comes out...

Where time becomes a loop.