
A big screen? When & where?

No. But it was crap.

"Ghosts," on the other hand, is crap.

Hide yo kids, hide to wife and hide yo husband 'causeā€¦


We don't know who he be.

The AV Club and/or Kinja-pocalypse

I never saw it but I heard about it.
Was he any good?

It's like Manhattan: a playground for the rich.
Still nice to visit though.

The other white meat

That's 3 Colbert newswires in 3 days.

I just discovered it a few months ago (thanks to a mini-episide on the Retronauts podcast) and it is pretty neat.

I missed the PS1/N64/Saturn generation almost entirely and had to go back for it after the fact. I haven't really sunk my teeth into any of the Crash games yet, but they do look fun.

Sad upvote.

Only if you rub them together really fast.

Fallout 1?

Yeah, I've said before it's great (though flawed) as a game, awful as a sequel.

The instrumental bridge in that song is pretty cool (Though the multiple dancing Michaels in that part of the video are weird).

I've sampled Quincy's own discography from the 50s to the 80s and it's pretty good. Going from straight jazz to orchestral jazz to soundtracks to R&B/funk culminating with "The Dude" album (which I like better than "Off the Wall")