
Were they both Sony?


That's an oxymoron.

I'm 34 and I'm still doing both.

Same, but listening to music on the go and at home are somewhat different experiences for me.

*cues They Might be Giants playing "I can Hear You"*

*new* vinyl.

And it's more fun than a "collection" that can disappear at any time for any reason!

The only thing that CDs add to the experience is inconvenience.

Cool story bro.

I too have played Earthbound.

No, it wax a MIDI file included with Windows 95 (and maybe 3.1 too)

it looks way cooler to walk around with a stack of LPs under your arm than to lug around a binder full of CDs.

For the AVC staff taking the day off?
That's a bit extreme, don't you think?

I never heard of her. What was her show called?

I'm driving home from New York to Pittsburgh today, and for once I don't really care if I make it back in time for the fireworks or not.

Scanners style?

He helped Jimmy Kimmel fuck Ben Affleck!

"Go fuck yourself" is an incest joke?

Sinclair, bad.