
Would this be an improvement or not over St. Louis' existing music scene?
I legitimately want to know.

His most visible change has been the championing of dedicated two-way bike lanes on select streets downtown (excuse me, dahntahn). I'm mostly-for them, but not everyone is.

Braddock (a nearby suburb) mayor and failed US-House candidate John Fetterman sold "Trump is a Jagoff" shirts during his campaign.

…And nothing of value was lost that day.

Yay, I'm proud of my Mayor for taking a stand.
I met him once for an event at an indie movie theater. It was the same day as the Pittsburgh Marathon, so he was still wearing his windbreaker. He seems like a nice guy!

Da da da!
(I don't love you, you don't love me)

Kris Kross?

All I ask is that they have talent; a reason for me to listen to them.

¡Ay, no me gusta!

You're forgetting "Shots".
And either "Live Forever" or "Don't Look Back in Anger" for Oasis. So I guess they're both three-hit wonders.


Something something how democracy dies something something.

In addition to making me feel marginally better, that also makes me want to watch the finale of Terminator 2 again.

I can't even upvote that because I'm too angry.

Of course!

I'm too angry/sick for words (again), but if there's any silver lining to this:

It's Complex…

1) Make your own playlist
2) Put the new Carly Rae Jespen song on it. Hell, have it on multiple times if you want!
3) Name the playlist "Songs of the Summer 2017"

You're not the boss of me!

A strangling contest? A human auction? Getting blinded by a camera flash?