
He found a stranger?

It's-a me, Mario!

With a theme song by Billy Ocean??

…where the wind comes sweeping down the plain?

What a stupid concept.

I came here to post exactly that.

I haven't heard that before, but I'm willing to bet it was taken out of context.

Scooter Braun? That Scooter Braun?

My local one is on CNN. At least it's on mute. And their pickup line is relatively quick.

Even that's getting sensationalist, making up names for storms and stuff.

Big Brother something something.

Also: to the motherfucking President.

I still remember when they did something similar on 9/11

As in the Russian state media WTF?

Yeah. Like I mentioned before I disliked Olbermann for the same reasons I hated O'Reilly: being loud & always shutting down the other side.

I know you're joking, but…

Even the best cable news is still cable news…

I thought it was "Coca-Cola, Wonderbra"

Was "The End is the Beginning is the End" from the Batman & Robin soundtrack before or after this? I think it was before.