
I find ignoring episodes 1-3 to be rather beneficial.

How is asking questions equated as have Cho do Swinton’s “intellectual labor”? That assessment seems colossally unfair.

To paraphrase Vader: Don’t get too proud of this technological wonder you’ve constructed. The ability to bring back dead actors is insignificant next to the power of the uncanny valley.

These were the only moments of the film I didn’t really like that much, because they took me out of the dialogue completely.

“When the Death Star blows up the Imperial facilities on Scarif it’s highly probable all Shore Troopers and Death Troopers went with it. Maybe TIE Strikers and U-Wings, too. It’s at least a plausible cover for all these new things to be missing during the original trilogy.”

What backlash? What criticism? What concern? All I see is a few loudmouths trying to score some points and get some clicks online. Leave WestWorld to the story and not to be catered to anyone or any special group of people. If the story requires to focus on a particular characters sexuality then please go ahead, but

+1 Holden would be proud

No worries, then! I already have arms stuck to my hands

On one hand, there are certain logistic issues with this- Pokémon of unusual size (*cough*Wailord*cough*) have to be scaled in order to reasonably follow the player, many water Pokémon just have to float through the air (which they also do in battle, but it seems more jarring on the world map), no one really cares

Lol, no just a father of 3, caretaker of my Stroked-out mother in law, losing track of the year.

A bit too chopilly edited for my tastes, but it looks good.

Now, wait just Ahmanet...

Well thank God, the first game was a little too sunshine-and-roses for my tastes.

I’m pretty sure plenty of games have proved by now that you don’t have to roam around shooting bandits to be considered a ‘game’... It’s about time we get past this laughable gatekeeping attitude so many players have.

Can we talk about how horrible the setup and follow-up was for this award? Having YouTube personalities shout “That Dragon, Cancer!” like it’s freaking Doom or something, and then the guy comes up in tears. Then following it up with an actual ad for Doom? Really poor timing and tone all around.

In his speed-addled world, it only matters whether he thinks he looks stupid or not. The rest of us don’t matter.

Neat! Now all they need to do is implement Dark Souls style ghost images of other players and we’ll have an effective “single player with multiplayer aspects” game!