
Many thanks!

Thanks, that’s really helpful to know!

Would I have to play Suikoden 1 first in order to understand 2? I’m kinda curious to play Suikoden 2 after so much priase from Jason.

I wouldn’t count your chickens about the Switch not having any weird gimmicks just yet...

This. But also, I just think - artistic license, come on. If the filmmakers don’t invent anything new it would soon get boring. Does it really matter that we never see these Death Troopers again in the original trilogy? Does every tiny little dot have to be connected?

Ten years. TEN YEARS they had to make this game!

The way I viewed it was that Logan was not ‘borderline hedonistic’ instrinsically, but rather that the park brought out his inhibitions, like it’s shown to do with several other characters. I don’t necessarily believe that’s who he is in his daily life, but that’s who he is ‘in the park.’ I don’t belive the man in

We’re not allowed to talk about the secret month. I’m sorry.

He’s not doing a very good job of not looking stupid so far.

No. The effects in Memoirs of an Invisible Man were amazing for their time, and still hold up really well today.

This. The colouring of Civil War is quite obviously a deliberate design choice. Boosting the contrast doesn’t make it ‘better’. I work with colour a lot for my job and opinions like the ones expressed in the video just come off sounding uninformed.

Does anyone else foresee the NES Mini outselling the PS4 Pro?

Since they’ve ruled out Switch and Smartphone for this, it simply is a Nintendo Direct about an update to a 4 year old game.

That is an interesting point about seeing your own nose. Since typing that initial post I’ve also played the Vive now, and I think the smoother, tighter tracking on that (compared to PSVR) really helped to aleviate motion sickness too.

I’m curious about this game, as someone who’s dipped in and out of FF over the years, and love the Chibi characters, but my one criticism (and I’ll admit it’s kind of weird) is that I wish the two human characters didn’t look straight out of Kingdom Hearts. I just wish ALL the characters were Chibi. I know you can

I’m fine with the move back to single screen. I love my 3DS, but I’m happy for Nintendo to draw a line under that and the Wii U, and start afresh with something new now. There have been very few times when dual-screen really felt necessary to the experience of a particular game I was playing anyhow.

This. Exactly my thoughts. I stopped watching after Carl lost his eye and all those other characters died. I felt like a lot of potetnial for future dramatic tension with those characters was erased in one swoop, and my thoughts turned to ‘this is becoming rinse and repeat’. I’ve kept up with what’s going on, but it

Would buy that NES themed one in a heartbeat!

Well, I played the VR tank game where you see the whole cockpit around you (Battle Zone? Tank Zone? Something), and as cool as that was, the motion still made me feel sick.

You accidentally spelled ‘any’ with an ‘m’