
"Once a year, my good intentions fail me, and I descend upon McDonald’s and luxuriate in the gluttony of consuming it."

Wasn't sure whether to continue reading. Read "pussified" and immediately stopped reading.

Unbearable: those JPG headers. PNG those bad boys!

Sunlandic Twins is the one I entered on. You can't go wrong with any of the albums in that period.

The song is included with the original Rock Band – I would say that puts it up there with their most famous among non-fans.

Man, since when did A.V. Club become Hot or Not?

I was going to say the same thing.

I feel like the "Terrifying '70s child star" stuff is beneath The Onion.

– Reginald VelJohnson

That is an incredibly ridiculous (and handsome) photo of a white Jesus.

I disagree with your perception of Rob, and I would have disagreed with your perception when I was a 15 year-old lover of the book and the movie.

This has an F rating here, a 3.5 rating on IMDB, a 5% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and an A- Community Grade. I will never trust Community Grades again.

Network TV shows are, on average, far worse than the best Twitter feeds. Who cares what it was based on as long as it had potential to be fucking funny.