PyroHoltz @

Too bad they never released this v12 to production, crazy power!

That is some low compression but then against the 90s were strange times.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I’ll always star an 8 series, nice ride....pretty sure they like premium fuel tough but you do you.

I have been to Costco once for gas but I got there like two minutes after it closed and almost wept because I was running on fumes

Costco, can’t typically beat their price and the cleanliness and organized setup are desirable. The only knock against them is the possible lines you’ll face because everyone likes a deal...oh, and washing your windows while fueling is forbade....I get it, they don’t want to slow the line, still annoying. Bottom line,

This comment should have more stars!

The reason people claim to have not seen these, is because they’re all pretty boring and/or shit cars that aren’t very desirable. Enter the Journey, indeed they are all over the place but are easy to miss.

Lifted Chevy Bolt Loses 12 Miles Of Range, Gains Nothing'

That painted C-pillar is not doing this thing any favors.

There’s logic in your theory, someone needs to bear the cost to move the vehicle from manufacturer to dealer but I’d venture that this is more of a mark-up (profit) situation. Additionally, since destination is an add-on and not part of the price, many buyers won’t think to negotiate on it or dealers won’t budge on

It feels steep, I remember less than $1k seemed typical within the last year or two.

$1,695 destination fee...whoa!

Let's get a comparison!

You should probably stick to Uber then.

Split bumper for sure!

Good point. Also, that new gm logo is hot garbage but then again, I’m near my 40s and probably not the demographic that they’re looking to attract with the change.

Haha nice, now I’m forever going to see this as the Wrangler AXE body spray, especially when bros put the angry front fascias on.

So they’re just following the industry instead of leading with rational logic, excellent!

Glad to see a review for this EV Wrangler, thanks Elizabeth.