PyroHoltz @

Your question is exactly why many modern perfomance vehicles have multiple cats. I remember a Koenigsegg video (but can’t be bothered to find it) where Christian discusses high flow cats, bypass cats and secondary cats... I made all of those terms up but suffice to say, they all have specific purposes.

I think the term ‘blow-out’ means: to get rid of and make room for new stuff. Sort of difficult to ‘get rid of’ ebooks.

I think the term ‘blow-out’ means: to get rid of and make room for new stuff. Sort of difficult to ‘get rid of’

I’m not exactly sure what it is about GEVs but they scream cold-war to me....might be the cartoon-ish propaganda artwork that accompanies them or the idea, which seems so outlandish but I always like learning more about them.

The best I can tell the safety chains are attached the the ‘dolly’ that the truck hitch is connected to. The dolly is also managing the air brake system, possibly (hopefully!) rigged to the truck via an electric brake control system. The dolly is also supporting the tongue load of the trailer, so the truck isn’t

Owner of the keys, she’d need to ask her top assist where they were.

I figured Fancy Kristen was the owner of the extraordinary keys.

They should use this tech to gather social performance and rate people’s ability to do ‘good’....oh wait, China’s probably already perfected that.

I wouldn’t say I ‘missed it’, so much as I went another way....the 911 is sooo, 2019. I’m looking forward to 2020.

J-tree is an awesome park, certainly best enjoyed over a few day camping trip. But, damn that looks like a cold way to travel.

Hey neighbor, I’m not far from SB, we’re just south of SLO!

This is ‘currently unavailable’ but the black version is only $10 after ‘$6 in prime savings.’

This is ‘currently unavailable’ but the black version is only $10 after ‘$6 in prime savings.’

Yeah I know, I'll never forgive myself.

No shame I'm driving with a blanket when it's below freezing!

Nice write-up. I had considered taking the train from Central Coast CA down to San Diego last week for work but couldn’t justify the extra wasted day due to the limited schedules available. Ended up flying and was happy enough with the decision but wish the train was a better option.

Joke’s on them, most of the pumps I use are reading the chip and it’s annoying AF because it holds my card for 10-20 seconds....wish they enabled the wireless reading of my card like some POS systems.

I had fegotten about this shifter and linkage, impressive, indeed.

While I root for them to achieve the goal, not only does it seem difficult, WRT to a timeline the overall development money needed to accomplish this is extensive.

So is the mid-seven second 0-60 and I'm really less concerned with the distance, 181hp is a joke for a 'semi-perfomance' minded model/brand.

I love that clip!

You couldn’t be more right, I’m imagining a badass go kart attached to this thing!