PyroHoltz @

Wait, you expected more from a database like this....?

Yeah, it’s typically a tacked on violation when the cop was either: 1) really pissed at what you did or 2) doesn’t have anything else to write you up for.

I like how all the press photos are of this poser-mobile stationary in an urban environment, not a single slope or section of dirt to be seen. Very honest advertising there.

During a typical 4 second top fuel drag run, the engine sees a max rpm of 10,000 and goes through 667 rotations, where the spark plugs have almost entirely burned away and the engine finishes the run ‘dieseling’ with the remaining electrodes acting as a glow plug.

My buddy has this car, it’s impressive and you certainly don’t expect to feel the pull when the cam comes on....solid ride.

God luck getting your insurance company to pay out when they find out you selected Mad Max Mode on your way home from a shitty day at the office and weren’t feeling like driving, only to hit that driver next to you.

Nah, Jalopnik pays Natty Ice well...Chris is a Jalop at heart....don't kill my dreams!

If I’m not mistaken, I believe Chris ‘monkey’ Harris has one of the 1Ms and isn’t he a Jalop writer?  Get him to kick in a little for the sake of the community!

Just purchased these a couple weeks ago....they seem strong but they will not hold a 25 lbs load attached to a vertical surface, as shown on the product page. I placed a hook on a filing cabinet wall and the magnet would slide down when holding a 15 poind load. The surface is too slick, so I’ll need to give the magnet

Just purchased these a couple weeks ago....they seem strong but they will not hold a 25 lbs load attached to a

Buckle up buttercup.

Which makes the oil filter the kidney(s). Although humans haven’t figured out how to change our kidneys as easily as the corner fluid shop.

Those doors.....they don't look complicated at all.

This is like basic kart racing except with a windshield and a manual....good stuff!

Deja Vu....weren’t we just here a month ago?

When you don’t have much (any?) segment competition, you can get away with this move! Plus, it is a pretty timeless design.

But if I showed up to my flight and I’m the only one? It’s going to take a hell of a lot to convince me that the plane is okay to fly, and that there isn’t a multi-government conspiracy to murder me somewhere along the flight path and dump my body.

I’m curious how this tech could possibly improve low observables, especially when it comes to how ‘poorly’ these F117s flew, albeit quite undectibly from the pilot’s perspective.

This is all I see on the Spyker...

Now playing

I seem to remember the TG team reviewing the Fiesta recently.