PyroHoltz @

Who’s taking bets this will come from the factory with the Camry dent?

Will it be called RescueMcLifeBoatyFace

The opening statement indicates a 300 foot drop but the AP linked article says 150 foot, neither are good but that’s a big difference.

‘Why bother with the new M5...’

There’s an app for power steering failures....didn’t you know?

Plenty offer cooled seats but it needs to be more wide spread and/or cheaper.

Pretty sure all Chrysler products have had this since the WJ Grand Cherokee, our current WK2 has it and BMW has it, as well.

Hi/Lo on a motorcycle, that’s badass!

“...flesh out the Buick lineup in order to compete head-to-head against brands like Audi, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz. Those are GM’s words.”

It’s seems to be about 50:50 but on Jalop I expect better.

Pretty sure we received a notice for this same problem on our 14 Jeep GC, I think more that 1,800 vehicles are affected.

“...paste its VIN number...”

This is rediculous, across doesn’t just mean you covered some distance’.

This was an excellent read!

Can a normal sized human stand flat footed on the ground, reach into the bed and grab something (like a tool box) without standing on the bumper/tire?

I always thought TPS stood for Toyota Production System but I’m going to start substituting Schedule.

Came to post the same thing and you beat me to it, good on you!

Maybe she still thinks Cadillac makes the same soft crap the did prior to the mid-00s?