
It’s less than a focus. 3000 pounds is light. Look up how much a GTR weighs.

Autotrader dot com forward slash oversteer

“no tire kickers” “cash is King” “my ex wife was infused with riboflavin” ect.

This is a pretty sweet build for sure, but 13.5 will net you all sorts of interesting machinery. A Mazdaspeed 3 for example.

I still want to know if you’re jarglis.

Those spoof commercials were great! That guy is so Boston it’s not even funny. He could have been Mark Whalberg’s double in The Departed.


Ok, you can’t just tease info like like that and then blueball everyone. Lets hear it!

I was just looking through the comments, wow y’all are salty.

I used to want one of these so bad, until I found out how fragile they can be. Plus 11k will get you a WRX or a Mazdaspeed 3.

While I love your ideas and want some of whatever you’re smoking, we both know none of those ideas will happen, at least from Toyota.

Aren’t they doing something like that in India?

Odd. Withholding sex as a form of protest seems to devalue yourself as a person. We all have so much more to offer than what’s between our legs.

I bet she gets her food fucked with constantly.

Looking through the comments I’m glad that see I’m not alone in thinking this thing is hideous. Also what’s with this half assed attempt at a hatch? Either do a hatchback or don’t.

They just need to put this engine in the Cruz hachback and I’m sold.

Wow, damn. If you can get one for under 30 large I will consider it.



Toss some fender flares on int adt your’re good to go!