
I live on about half that and I do OK. 8k no taxes would be amazing.

Sweet, I know what in doing on lunch.

We had a foursome with another couple and I didn’t really enjoy it. I found it really stressful having sex with another woman. My SO had fun though. We did the threesome thing too and same deal. Maybe I’m boring, but one woman is more than enough for me.

I know guys like that. “The war was about states rights and government overreach!” “The south will rise again!”

Ugh, what a piece of garbage. I bet he’s one of those dumbshits who brags about it to everyone. He probably blabbed about this incident too “dude, I’m telling you, it’s so big I made this chick cry”.

I’m on team stancevette, but barely. It’s kind of like our current election; everyone is an asshole but one is a bigger asshole.

Pictured: pilot and copilot.

Here ya go.

I can see it now: “We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!"

My sister in law runs into that issue. You see, I’m this big goofy lummox who hugs everyone. So whenever I see her she gets a face full of man-boob.

Lol Tom Cruise is armpit height.

I did not realize how short Tom Cruise is. He looks like a hobbit next to her! Either that or she looks like an Amazon.

Holy crap how tall is she?

Oh this should be good! Do I have time to make a pan of jiffy pop?

I’m just waiting for the inevitable pearl clutching to commence.

Good god the shelf life on that joke.

This is a very underrated comment.

Imagine the seizures that would cause in the bimmer community!

At least it’s not a chrome wrapped Lamborghini.