
That coke probably cost more than a dollar.


Fuck you Monty!

Followed by angels singing, every time.

You’ve gotta remember, these are people of the land, the common clay of the far right.

I know I’ve said something like this before, but for the longest time I thought the harlequin was a car made from several other cars. Now I think it looks like a clown’s turd.

So much dawwwwww!

I am Jacks totaal lack of surprise.

Oh FUCK no. Hopefully this sets the record at the biggest landslide defeat.

Oh well. Wouldn’t that be something if it was?


Come to Tacoma, see that every day.

And super mutants into Cyclopes.

My bosses wife got one because she thought it was “cute”. She hates it now.

That is some final destination crap right there.

You are absolutely correct about the left lane hogs here.

I laughed way too hard at that.

That was fantastic reading. Gonzo journalism at its best. It’s as if Hunter Thompson got high on life instead of strange chemicals.

Harsh. So close but yet so far.

Red. Had wheel off of a Passat I think. Basket weave BBS. Let’s see, kinda busted drivers seat, exhaust that is in no way street legal, gt grant wheel, and you couldn’t fill the gas tank up all the way or else the interior would smell really flammable while cornering.