
This has got to be the easiest NP ever.

That is way too goddamn nifty!


Dawww! How could you even eat him?

Maybe it’s just a rehash of the “action package”. We all know how much faster that made the Celica.

I want to arm wrestle her so bad.

“We’ll take the ball, and we’re gonna win” yeah I remember.

That totally sucks! Fucking OUCH.

The model in the ad has a stronger chin.

I gotta say, anyone out there meets me at a party, don’t spike my egg nog. It will have plenty of whisky in it already.

That fucking song. Weirdly enough its one of my mom’s faves.

I’ve seen some pretty decent concerts there.

That is mesmerizing.

Couldn’t afford to get in?

Tool 2001?


You and I share a very similar reality. My wife and I have opposite schedules so child care ends up fairly cheap though.

To be fair the zoo membership I have paid for its self the second time I went.

That made me rage a little inside.

The fuck is a Scania?