It was on the backs of claymores. They kinda looked like mre cans.
It was on the backs of claymores. They kinda looked like mre cans.
Do Not Eat
I find myself not hating it. If they keep the bed/cab proportions they might have a win.
This is totally the car I would shove up my ass if I got to own it.
Fuck to the hell yes! Between the middle fingers and the double boobie squeeze I’m surprised she didn’t drop it like its hot.
Dude, crap like that is downright common here. There is a ex police crown Vic like this on my block about this level of ridiculous. Only its blue and green metal flake with Seahawks logos everywhere.
I know that engine all too well.
Those fucking bear traps. Worse than deathclaws as far as I’m concerned. My first playthrough was on an old RCA 27” CRT. I could never see the floor traps.
It’s the jawline. Also the lips. God damn, those lips!
Dayum.. Reminds me of a young Linda Hamilton.
The problem with hydrogen is that it’s a bitch to store and not widely available, whereas you can plug your electric car in at night. The supercharger network is already growing to the point of convenience.
Anyone who manages to kill an XJ deserves respect as well.
The spiciest dorito evar!
I had one! It was a white 99 with a manual. The shifter was shaped like a mushroom. I liked it at the time.
I’ve always been amazed at the ability of the human body to adapt. I know two people who get by just fine with missing limbs, and we all wear clothes and barely notice. That being said I will take a miniature R390 up my butt, if it means I get a real one. After a few weeks of having a tiny homogolation special in my…
No fucking thank you. I’d rather pay 27k for a good condition NSX.