
Wow that doesn’t look bad at all!

That panther belongs on a van. One with the tinted bubble rear window.


I usually use them for change.

Hi! You’re awesome!

I’ve never made it past “wanna get a lambo? Drop out of college”. Skip!

I once told Pete wentz he was a whiney little bitch to his face. This was 12 years ago and I am still happy about it.

I now want to try and find the one guy in Russia who gives a fuck, cos Russians ain’t care.


My wife and I work opposite schedules. I take excellent care of our kids., and so does she. I find you comment insulting.

Marry a good person.

Marry a good person.

A keyboard... How quaint.

At least you didn’t use McAfee, you’d never be able to get it uninstalled without snorting bath salts.

Pronounced like gift, w/o the t. Not like jiffy peanut butter.

Thats pretty.

I would contest that it is the opposite of an eyesore. I would be thrilled if someone in my neighborhood parked an airplane in their driveway. Better this than a BMW x6 or a Pontiac Aztec.

I blame cocane.

Can confirm. Back in highschool there was this guy with a late 80s t bird with the glorious red velvet interior. (George Costanza would have loved it) Anywhoo being dumbshit teenagers we liked to play stupid pranks on each other, and this car was a prime target. We would brush all the velour one way, then draw dicks

That’s a solid policy.