
I had a come along winch from there break the first time I used it. Never again. I do use their jumper cables though.

I keep telling people that, but no one seems to believe me.

Oh god not that fucking thing again!

It looks like a vaguely car shaped piece of crumpled poster paper. The various folds and creases seem so random.

Its a fucking bag. Why do people care?

Nice fish!

looks easy enough to me. As long as you have a routing diagram it really doesn’t look like that big of a deal.

I found an unopened fifth of Jim Beam under the passenger seat. In a plastic traveler bottle, of course.

For me its “Fade to black” by Metallica, The gutiar solo in “Alive” by Pearl jam, “from can to can’t” by the Sound city players, and many others.

So true. Last time I had a vigorous sex session in heat like that it made me feel sick.

Totally agree. Its the same thing with music.

Hey same here. Where in Tacoma? I live near 65 and pac


Aaand Elon Musk wins at the internet yet again. I’m loving all the spaceballs memes.

Those of us who had been up all night were in no mood for coffee and doughnuts- we wanted strong drink. We were after all, the cream of the national sporting press.

Two words: Paddle tires.


Looks like a Ford Taurus grille.

Fair enough. I thought it was a CP too. 8500 can buy a lot more truck than that.

“For one it’s a Ford” seriously? You’re one of those guys huh.