AH HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAH I’m fucking dying here man!
AH HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAH I’m fucking dying here man!
I almost bought one about 14 years ago. Still kicking myself for not squeezing the trigger. Haven’t seen another for sale since.
A mini suv thingy w/o 4wd? Pointless.
...oh god
What do they do at Johnny rockets? I’ve been in there and just thought the food was meh.
I would eat there, every year on my birthday, and Ned Flanders will sing a sexy birthday song.
It’s usually dehydration for me. Or whiskey. Both.
Badum tss!
If you have the Jury Rigging perk in fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas it’s not a problem, and I doubt it would be in this game.
Ooh good question!
I learned something new today. Thanks!
As I have gotten older, my patience for stupid people is disappearing. I would have let the Verizon employee have it.
Thanks I was trying to think of the name of that damn thing!
So it’s kinda like an anti lag system.
A Turbo Piss is the massive leak you take after driving for three hours and drinking a liter of Mountain dew. Its like a firehose or a waterfall and it feels AMAZING.
Oh I still have a great excuse: I can’t afford that shit.
The driver of the open wheel car must have been a Skywalker. You need mitichloreans to have reactions that fast.
Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete? Dammit I know the whole thing too.
You pay 60k a year in taxes? Holy crap! My wife and I COMBINED barely make that.