Good advice? Great advice!
Good advice? Great advice!
Is that a matching throw pillow? Opulence!
Looks like the fork M.C. Escher would use.
Shoulda read farther down, beat me to it.
I’m confused, does she want me to watch the goddamn thing or not?
Need to Photoshop “Takata” onto it.
Definitely the third point. Wouldn’t be surprised if they trademark S-FR, R-FS, SR-F, ect ect.
I’m a dude, not sure how welcome I am in this conversation, but yeah Amy Schumer is super attractive.
Gah! what the fuck?
How you doin?
Disagree with what? That line comes immediately after his “fuck” tirade.
Wait, a live action ghost in the shell is happening? Cool. I don’t know what to think about Scarlett Johansson as the Major though.
I’d be surprised if Andrew Collins doesn’t fly out and buy it tonight.
Lol, that’s the funniest pun in the history of puns.
Yeah but OT God is so fucking metal. NT god is such a hippie. Love thy neighbor? Bah. Gimme some human sacrifice!