
Watching this I can tell you she’s a natural. In the fighting arts there’s a term that comes often: heavy hands. Its difficult to train to hit hard, believe it or not. The fact that she basically knocked him out with what appears to be a menu is very impressive.

What a bullshit excuse. I have two kids and neither have had to be changed soo badly that it couldn’t wait until I made it to the restroom. Those are the same people who have their kids on leashes.

That would be great! Imagine getting on the bus and being issued a helmet, and all the seats have 5 point harnesses.


Actually I think I might have that album somewhere. Pretty sure off to his left is some hippie slobbering on him.


Zoe Bell looks as though she’s thrown a punch or two in her lifetime.


That last one reminds me of my friends mom- so paranoid/delusional she wouldn’t write checks to anyone. She even paid her phone bill in cash in person.

Seconded...... I guess. Whatever really.

Same. I would consistently loose races to 60’s beetles.

Tis the beauty of an ohv engine. The small block really is small. It’s even becoming a common replacement for the rotary in RX7's.

Ooooh yes.

Ok, I’m hooked.

Are we sure it wasn’t one of these?


Manuel, relay instructions!

And Tiger Woods drives a Buick.

That looks soooo dammed real.