
Sadly with the number of bugs I ran into and were reported on different platforms from different people around the globe, it’s like the debugging process was glanced over or skipped all together and they decided to ship either a late stage Alpha or early stage Beta.

I would say it’s not a bad game, just sorely lacking

So... the take away is... the VW Dieselgate will be dropped soon & the TDI will be back on the market with a surplus of like new slightly used cars hitting the used car market?

or Under water Ray Ramano

Now the question being, will I get to chapter 13 before the patch.

Limited game time 2-5 hours per week, sometimes a few weeks off between sittings. — Ahh kids :)

Hmm maybe Yui during the time she was a little girl without memories of being part of the system?

Isn’t that one of the rules of certain boards... the purer something is the more gratifying their decent into corruption


What can one say... *Plot* sells. — can someone let me know how big of a train wreck it is?

Oh & inb4 someone sets a joke about 1 Presidential Nominee villianizing this & 1 thinking it’s absolutely fine & dandy.

Honestly... I’m too old to put up with those kids that sound no older than 8 years old going on and on about loving chocolate milk almost nonstop in game.

Ahh I’m getting flash backs of F-Zero...

Wise men say, ‘Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.

Don’t worry, you’ll probably find Eli Wallace “Stargate: Universe” muttering, “Worst Destination Ever!”

I’ll have to both agree and disagree with you on this one. In areas where EMTs, or other skilled professionals are making less hourly than Johnny Newbie on the line by several dollars per hour that’s bad. — Low paid employee would need clarification. If they’re making less than a proper decent living wage in their

So where’s team Cap’s custom PS4?

Indeed, a LOT of good games need to become functional with the Shield TV. There’s always the hope that Nvidia will support the streaming from a PC for those with the game on Steam, but it’d be nicer to have a native game client.

Hmm this reminds me of the FuFme hoax device from the late 90s

If you want to see a bastardization of a game... check out Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

I’m still holding out hope for a steam release of the first 4 Breath of Fire games.

I’m mostly OK with this. Brand new games yeah keep the copy protection working right. Older games where the studio has gone out of business or shut down the servers that supported the game - this is where the pirate scene is beneficial as it allows people to play their old favorite games well into the future.

Now if

Honestly this is at a price point that it’s identical to my mortgage, however if the specs/performance of it are good than it’s still at a somewhat decent price point.

Everyone complaining isn’t taking into consideration — Yes I know I know it’s not apples to apples comparison below.
—It’s cheaper than a brand new

Doesn’t the X-Box One require you to stream the game to a Windows PC capable of driving the Rift? — might be old information I’m remembering though.

I remember seeing an article a while back about that as well as the Sony VR Unit for the PS4 requires an external processor accessory to drive it’s VR.