
Oh I love it when people try to pull the "I have autistic children so I'm an expert" card. I can beat that. I WAS an autistic child. I outrank you.

I really don't understand this at all. Shouldn't Chili's want kids to get vaccinated on the off chance it really does cause autism?

"Shortly after the passing of the great Harlold Ramis, it became apparent that Hollywood hadn't given up the ghost on Ghostbusters 3."

If they make this without Ivan, it just wouldn't be Reitman.

And now to our eye in the sky News Chopper.

I think it helps that restaurant-splitting-benefits are immediate, relatively cheap, and easy to see. The benefits of an orderly mail system or school system or anything else is a bit harder to calculate.

Then there's that one asshole who is always like "I only have my debiiiiit caaarddd waaah" and refuses to put the whole thing on his card.

"You call that a Wesley Snipes impression!?!"

You're not trolling; you're just an asshole.

9.7 seconds. I clocked that cartoon bear penis on the air for 9.7 seconds. I checked four times because I was sure I was doing it wrong, but within a tenth each time, there it is. For most packages (groan) that's enough time for three different b-roll shots. Not here, friends. We want nearly 10 seconds of graphic