
It’s great to be a part of the club, benefitting from insider information and capturing unearned/uplift values that come from Federal funding and ‘rulemaking’ changes.

1926, real estate bubble collapse, 1929 stock market collapse

Unions are useful, but their strength is limit by the fact that Land has more holdout power than Labor. When you treat land more favorably than labor, how could anyone expect otherwise? It is quite literally this mechanic that weakens labor and leaves them bereft. When land is taxed and labor goes untaxed, labor then

The right-wing nutters will of course leap at any opportunity to deflect from their own horrid party failures and dog-whistle appeals to white supremacy. Who cares what random corporation ESPN decided to do? If anything this shows that ‘private’ enterprise is no less culpable to stupid decisions that public

It’s also worth noting that many of the most vile comments have nothing to do with Bernie supporters. There are plenty of Republican/Libertarian trolls that slam Hillary any chance they get, and then of course any legitimate criticism of Hillary from progressives gets lumped in with this group of individuals.

The Hyde Amendment was all but enshrined into the Affordable Care Act (via Stupak-Pitts which is arguably worse than Hyde), the plan Clinton vows to defend.

It is the height of selfishness to only consider your direct costs. Also worth noting that your socialized your low fossil fuel costs via fossil fuel subsidies that we all paid for, regardless of our direct use of such fuels.