uhh, it's not that awesome.
many of the songs are annoying.
especially that last one.
uhh, it's not that awesome.
many of the songs are annoying.
especially that last one.
uhh, it's not that awesome.
many of the songs are annoying.
especially that last one.
A Cat In Paris IV: A Cat in Chuck Baris
(III was of course, A Cat in Anna Faris)
V: A Cat in Roger Maris
VI: A Cat in a Toyota Yaris
VII: A New Hope, revenge of the phantom menace or whatever
A Cat In Paris IV: A Cat in Chuck Baris
(III was of course, A Cat in Anna Faris)
V: A Cat in Roger Maris
VI: A Cat in a Toyota Yaris
VII: A New Hope, revenge of the phantom menace or whatever
A Cat in Paris III: A Cat in Anna Faris
A Cat in Paris III: A Cat in Anna Faris
Actually, there are many cats in Paris.
So, look for sequels.
Actually, there are many cats in Paris.
So, look for sequels.
we're here to make fun of things.
which includes us making fun of us making fun of things.
we're here to make fun of things.
which includes us making fun of us making fun of things.
Buddy Guy is a gentleman who knows the blues.
in concert he plays on only every other song -
that's how those old blues guys live to be old blues guys.
Buddy Guy is a gentleman who knows the blues.
in concert he plays on only every other song -
that's how those old blues guys live to be old blues guys.
kudos to jason heller for this - 5 stars! i only knew of 1 of these - i had no idea of the early musical backlash against the beatles. jason heller, you are now the dawes AND the beatles of pop-rock music journalism. truly an excellent job. dang, i didn't know there was that much i didn't know…
kudos to jason heller for this - 5 stars! i only knew of 1 of these - i had no idea of the early musical backlash against the beatles. jason heller, you are now the dawes AND the beatles of pop-rock music journalism. truly an excellent job. dang, i didn't know there was that much i didn't know…
will Elizabeth Warren play his mother?
will Elizabeth Warren play his mother?
this book makes me an offal i can't refuse.
but, is it better than Winegardner's crap?
this book makes me an offal i can't refuse.
but, is it better than Winegardner's crap?
"showrunner" = executive producer who is also the head writer
"show" = see mr. show
runner = drugs (aka mule)
"showrunner" = mr. show drugs
"showrunner" = executive producer who is also the head writer
"show" = see mr. show
runner = drugs (aka mule)
"showrunner" = mr. show drugs