
Heinlein's tunnel in the sky from 1955 was aimed at teens, as a nonanarchist response to Golding's lord of the flies. it's a YA survival book in a wild world without adult supervision. reminds me, 30 years ago in the navy we joked "what's the difference between the navy & the boy scouts? the boy scouts have adult

if he'd just come out & admit that he's gay, then he wouldn't be depressed or whatever.

awesome! tho Bob Odenkirk's rings fit over the shaft, whereas Grimes's rings perhaps fit across a finger - wait, that means one could wear both! hey kids - collect all kinds!!

i'd rather watch the amazing singing cat video.

when will she sell cock rings?

perhaps he can be caned.

All DeFoe's Pirate books are charming & delightful. & have lovely absurdist humor & chapters like "return to shark mountain"

that's ok - apparently this mythical creature went on to sire the beloved Ron Perlman - so all creepy taboo thoughts are forgiven:)

he looks like the incestuous (by)product of Ed Gwynne (Herman Munster) & Eddie Munster.

the passion of the Mel

best confessional post of the year! Ed, what do we have for our winner?

i don't remember the Wire being this pretentious.

he was good as Hitler in Untergang.
this looks like a sequel, but in English.

more like a "bandaged zakk-wylde"

kind of like men without hats.

I wish the USA was funny like Kazakhstan:(

i gave up homelessness by not worrying & by buying into money -
& i'll give up irony if the "god(s)™ will give up irony.
if i didn't have money to have this computer i wouldn't have learned about this guy.

the intravaginal subtext of the movie is compelling.

there will be no country for old men

Steven Hyden: the word is spelled "kindergarten" (it's a t not a d)
now right it 10 times… doh! i mean write it 10 times. never mind.