
Yeah, that Joe Biden shit didn’t just come out of nowhere...there are so many moments just from one year welcoming in the new members of Congress I can’t even imagine how many worse ones are out there from the rest of his life.

Wrap dresses don’t work on my lumpy, bumpy body. I feel like they just settle in between every roll and make me look like I’m wearing a robe. If I have to wear a dress, I’m going for one that is made of non-stretchy fabric and has a fair amount of structure. But really, I’d rather just wear pants and a nice shirt. 

I always look pregnant when I do that. 

I have never worn a wrap dress without a camisole underneath, and any clothing that mandates the wearing of additional unrelated clothing is in empirical fact, imperfect. The prosecution rests. 

The funny part is just how little the actual crime accomplished.

Honestly shocked the wife didn’t conjure up a vaguely-described black man to blame, get some cover with the racists looking for a martyr. 

I don’t understand these people’s level of denial.

It might surprise you to learn (it should not) that the United States — like most places in the world in these, our fallen times — is a place in which the rich, famous, and powerful almost never face any consequences for their misconduct, and often lead staggeringly corrupt lives without ever imagining that they might

I don’t know what Loughlin’s upbringing was like, but I knew a lot of people at the private college I went to who pretty much believed that rules didn’t apply to them. In fairness, they had pretty much never experienced a negative consequence for their actions in their lives, so it wasn’t an entirely unreasonable

I’m withholding thoughts and prayers from every member of this family.

damn even black children cant get proper medical care and believed when they are in God ..what did they think? An 8 year old was trying to get oxy to sell? wtf ...

Well, obviously, we all know who and what is at fault here. Obama and his Obamacare! If we had Trump care, she’d be alive now! Yeah, that’s the reason!

Racial bias in treatment recommendations and pain assessment is a well-recognized problem. I also had a sociology professor who taught an interesting lesson about institutional racism around how white children are often taught/encouraged to be assertive self-advocates when dealing with professional services (doctors,

Makes sense. They refused to treat her when she had problems, and then when she died, it was the result of an untreated problem.

I guarantee you HRC is living a better life than you right now. She’s not shitposting on The Root, choking on her impotent rage.

Quick question: does your Letter Jacket still fit, or nah?

Excellent. I follow both women and generally a huge fan of Roxanne Gay.

HRC is strollin’ free around Chappaquiddick, drinkin’ beers and walkin’ the dog and NOT BEING UNDER INVESTIGATION OR IN PRISON. Doesn’t that just kill you? I know it just kills you.

I love Chrissy. Love her! She’s got spark, she’s got hustle, she’s liv’n the life, she refuses to starve herself (!!!) and she DGAF. Plus her man obvi adores her.

married to singer EGOT-winner John Legend,