Pygmy Borborygmi

Can't shut my pie hole, never again. Pie hole will remain in the open position.

I image he was checking street view around his neighborhood when he came across this picture.

This just reminded me how surprised I was when I realized the Beatles weren't on iTunes.

@thehungryhippo: Bad breath, staring too much at it's knothole, telling it to "get back in the forest, tree", dating it's sister, writing it letters, fire, pruning sheers, chainsaws, IKEA furniture, showing it the treehouse you played in as a child, "let's make like a tree and leaf", and plaid underwear... for some

Great, not we have to worry about glowing Ent Zombie holocaust. I'll be in the bunker if anyone needs me.

@acjwatt: Laphroaig is a good cat name.

@deciBels: The Orbus is pretty good if you plan to use it off camera. Kind of goofy looking on camera.

@LombardoJoe: They *Sold Out*. Must have reached the limit of how many copies they want to give away.

@Euclidean: I think it tastes really nice, kind of sweet. You just have to get over the fact that is smells like you're drinking a tire fire. I typically avoid it though, because of the looks I get from the people around me when they start to smell that peaty smell.

@acjwatt: Schrodinger, he's such a nihilist too. Always talking about being dead and not dead. I'm not sure if it's personal poetry, or from his books, or maybe he really needs to talk to someone? He seems happy when he has his scotch though. One night last week he went on a bit of a bender. He locked me out of

Really? I've known this for years. My cat drinks Lagavulin neat, in a crystal glass. I usually see him sipping it by the fireplace and reading, though I don't have any video to prove this yet.

I sure hope the special effects budget on this one is more than 4 cents and a cheeseburger.

Financial Darwin Award.

Planned obsolescence and waste are what fuel the innovation. We are tied economically to this pattern, and the only way to break it is through consumer common sense. Stop buying shit, stop being whiney about the 15% more awesomeness that the newest shiny thing has, plan your purchase so that the shiny garbage you

All the beauty of the Universe, it's such a shame we are alone in our appreciation of it.

Aural Fiddle Fadle.

A copious portion of multitudinous epic win.

Does not end well.

This depresses me every time I see it happening. We are slowly cocooning ourselves in a digitally perceived world.