Pygmy Borborygmi

So... If a thousand monkeys type out Shakespeare, and no one cares to read it... didst it really happen?

"pumping 480 metric tons of seawater per minute"

@hawkeye18: You mean other than the population of Gizmodo??

Reminds me of the Kanzius Machine. To bad that guy died. I wonder what happened to that research, it seemed very promising.

@Lizard_King: Oh man, that is the greatest idea ever. Are these things hard to find?

Favorite hot sauce names?

So, that is maybe why we have yet to find other habitable planets? They are tucked "behind" other space phenomena?

@Timmy: Farmvilleociraptor

I always read "prix" as pricks.

Worker: What the fuck do we do about this?

I found this article really interesting. Lots of info on buying cars, and the different kinds of dealerships. Kind of a long read, but worth it.

Hey look eh, a neat new think called Netflix!

@FritzLaurel: Any photo lab will offer low res scans for less than $5 a roll. They just pull em while running the film through the machine for corrections.

I usually need to sit down while doing math anyway.

@tomsomething: I do like that this device allows its users to quantify the amount of pain.

"The total energy stored is about...*looks around thinking* 300 Megajoules. *right off the cuff* that's like an aircraft carrier moving at 11 knots."

Hmm.. maybe instead of shooting at random household objects, he should try to measure the muzzle velocity.