
“Everyone has their truth.” I’m really tired of hearing people say the “I’m speaking my truth” bs and variations of it. My truth, his truth, her truth and their truth....Nah, there’s only THE truth and the rest are your feelings and/or lies. If I punch you in the face and tell the world that my truth is that you ran

So Trump Heights is a fake illegal settlement. Pretty much on point there.

You have to start with the evidence that Trump is fundamentally chicken. He’s a bully who only punches down, and he only starts fights he thinks he can win. Nobody really knows how a fight with Iran would go, and the one consensus is that any sort of attack could spin of out control very quickly. That is surely

Neither Melanie nor Ivanka do anything gross like menstruate or cough.   Duh.

Am I the only one that feels like the escalation between the Trump administration and Iran is a “wag the dog” type of scenario; and that as it becomes clearer that Trump is polling badly and might lose re-election, he will drag us into a war with Iran? Forget the fact that only congress can declare war; Trump doesn’t

So much sense! I’m the same way. I will and have happily yelled that all women should have access to abortions, but I tend to keep mine a secret for god only knows what reason. There are a few of us out there :)

Dont let the door hit your lying ass on the way out.

She plans to retire a ranch, where she can keep shoveling massive loads of horse shit.

Yep. I can tell Jessica Biel has never had to sit in a cancer ward and watch a dozen people get chemo. Chemo decimates a patient’s immune system. Imagine going through chemo and then catching measles when your immune system has been compromised to the point where the common cold can send you to the ICU. These people

There are legitimate reasons not to immunize a child, such as one who is immunosuppressed.

Oh, for the love of God. The fact that some people don’t develop antibodies to a particular shot doesn’t mean the shot is ineffective. It’s just the nature of vaccines. And those people *rely* on others’ immunity to keep from getting sick!

I hear that she co-authored her thesis with world renowned Burp and Fart on TV specialist Dr Jennifer McCarthy of Singled Out University.

I live in Brooklyn, near one of the biggest measles outbreaks in the US. Recently, my friend had to take 1 year old daughter to the emergency room for a playground injury. While in the ER, her 1 year old daughter contracted measles because she isn’t old enough for the completed vaccine. It is children like her who

You don’t think watching YouTube videos and going to random unsourced websites is research?!?!

If you feel that vaccines are evil and you don’t believe they should be given to children, please don’t have any children. I don’t want you passing your stupidity onto the next generation.

talking about their personal belief

The most impressive part of the discussion was when Biel presented the findings of her research, done while she was in medical school.

Thank you thank you thank you Anna for your reporting. Also FUCK Biel and Timberlake.