
Guys, I’m hitting full-on depression here. CAN’T WE HAVE ANYTHING GO RIGHT? Goddammit.

No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!


Yep. A LOT of horrible people are feeling really happy right now. It’s got me feeling the same way I felt after the election (and after the Kavanaugh hearing).  Corrupt, unethical rich people will get away with anything they want to.

Talk about a let down. Two years for s report that pretty much says “maybe he did it, maybe he didn’t.” 

Unfortunately, the nutjob right wingers in their trailer parks won’t understand any of that. The fact that they continually believe he’s an “honest guy” and looking out for their best interests will keep them knee deep in denial.

This confirms why Bill Barr was brought back: 27 years ago, as Attorney General, he cleaned up the Iran Contra scandal for GHWBush and Co. (dropping still pending prosecutions and writing pardons for those already convicted). He was rehired for this specific skillset.


This is so disappointing

Nobody tell this bigmouthed asshole that the SDNY and NY State AG are still after him.  Let him run his mouth.  Also, Nadler is calling in Barr to testify about this shit.  Two days after a two year report, the DOJ determines there was “no obstruction?” I think not.

I’m hoping as much as anyone that there is a smoking gun that sends Trump, every one of his kids, and all of his associates to jail for the rest of their lives. I just know that it’s not going to be there. For a lot of us, this report is going to be huge let down. That doesn’t mean, though, that through the other

Fucker will get off scot free :/

And there it, set, match.

I saw this about half an hour ago, and now I find myself struggling to hold back tears. As long as the investigation was going on, there was always hope, one day we'd wake up and find out Trump was dragged kicking and screaming to a federal office, charged with high treason and financial crimes we have only begun to

It already says a lot that it’s getting dropped on a Friday afternoon.

As much as I’d like to see this as the day the Trump presidency really began to crumble, I’m preparing myself for one of two situations: a) there’s nothing in the report, b) there’s something in the report, and it just

Color me cynical. This is going to be a complete dud, and the biggest disappointment felt by a liberal since my wife first saw me naked.

I’m pretty sure the first amendment already guarantees free speech on college campuses, but at least the president got to use his big-boy pen again!

I saw the movie--pretty good.  I think Julianne Moore in a fat suit would have ruined the movie.  Melissa McCarthy was great.

Posh Nosh was/is a great gift.