Mar a Farto
Mar a Farto
I wish his “hair” would fall out overnight. Just to see what he’d do.
Bloody. I call unnecessary bleeping.
They’re both annoying.
They annoy me.
Vogue’s been dead to me since Anna kaved to Kim and Kanye.
That photo is pre-heavy-handed smokey eye that makes her eyes look even more deep set and squinty.
Same. Seething.
she’s walking away with $36 billion
Ima say it. I hate influencers. “Real” or otherwise.
Footnote: I also fondly recall Mr. Hippity’s liveblog calling Anthony from a different season Suzanne Sugarbaker.
He came across as more simpatico and self-confident when he appeared on a season of All Stars. Sheesh that was a long time ago.
Aw...Michael Costello. Didn’t we used to call him Sad Eeyore when Gawker had a PR live blog led by Mr. Hippty? I think I heard somebody on a red carpet saying that they were wearing one of his designs a while back, but I’ll be damned if I can recall who/where it was.
Unfortunately too many people see it and like it.
The 2020 election is still far away. I know there’s been talk of an upcoming recession. While I don’t want that for many reasons, it could help fracture his base.
Exactly how I feel.
I feel nauseous.