When the police start snitching on each other, I will buy into this argument. Otherwise, it is bullshit and just a tool to keep minorities and the lower economic classes in line.
When the police start snitching on each other, I will buy into this argument. Otherwise, it is bullshit and just a tool to keep minorities and the lower economic classes in line.
Counterpoint: Snitching isn’t about non-criminals telling on criminals. It’s about being a criminal and not selling out other criminals to reduce your own time. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
Afuckingmen. praising rats is some camp guard bullshit. why not praise border patrol for keeping us all so safe, or judges for being fair and impartial. people who trust cops should stick to their enclaves in the suburbs and refrain on commenting on a reality they know nothing about.
Depends. If I was living in say, Sweden or some other boring socialist hellhole, I’d totally agree with you. But if we’re talking the US wannabe police state, fuck those assholes.
But snitching is demonstrably a terrible activity that tears communities apart, fosters mistrust and paranoia, and grants greater power to authorities who enforce unjust laws. There’s a real hypocrisy in exposing criminality in the lower echelons of society while refusing to do anything about the mega-crooks who contro…
The whiteness of the avclub reveals itself het again.
Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum
It IS the spelling here in the UK. It’s the simplification in the US which killed the E (and the U in loads of other words)
I would LOVE to, except the last one screwed my computer up so bad I can't even USE it.
Yeah, except that’s it’s blown up about half the machines I’ve put it on, if you’re talking about 1903. Even Microsloth’s legendarily poor TS can’t fix it.
Can’t be worse the than the current God.
Why is everyone assuming this is a man? Men aren't this funny.
So that’s what happened to Evil Edna.
And got less votes
Ummmm....it is if he’s a racist.
It is when he’s breaking laws all the time and being a shithead. A President doesn’t deserve respect just because he’s the President. A President deserves respect when he upholds the values of the office.
Get fucked.
What I find hilarious about this is that Conservatives used to always talk about how the free market was the solution to everything. But when people actually use the free market system to punish companies with bad views, suddenly they all get up in arms that liberals are actually doing what they said to do.