Lavinia Whateley

And Kinja refuses to accept images today. *Sigh*

This one:

Thats a new one on me, but Im a Cheshire girl (a Dabber, to be precise) not a Staffy.

I lived near Cholmondley as a child. Theres also Wybunbury (pronounced Winbury) nearby.


I associate Baphomet with the Knights Templar rather than with the Satanic Temple. Much as I admire my fraters and sorors of that persuasion, theyre dead wrong with this one.

The HPL drinking game: every time he uses the word cyclopean. I’ll swear its in every story - he bloody loved that word.

Everyone seems to forget ‘the stars are right’ bit. As the man himself was a big astronomy nerd I’ve spent a lot of time staring at the star charts for the relevant period mentioned in the tale, from the position of various places mentioned. TBH there’s nothing planetary that you can hang your hat on (but why would it

I think thats sardonic understatement. Sadly HPL was a huge ass. But so were (are) many raises the whole question of whether we dismiss their works in toto as well as dismissing their fugly cultural/social beliefs. Ive no answer to offer, it has to be an individual’s choice.

Pretty much the whole of the Dragonborn expansion to Skyrim is a questline devoted to Hermaeus Mora, who is definitely a separated at birth sibling of Yog-Sothoth.

Cthulhu suffers from being familiar, even to people who have not read the book from whence it came. Cthulhu is a pretty minor character in the Lovecraft-authored tales; its mostly accidental that it has ended up being the titular figure of the Mythos and one could argue that it should be called the Yog-Sothoth Myth

In the UK we call them woodlice and they are, as others have reported, entirely harmless, and as you suspect it probably blundered in through your patio door. They love damp timber and cool environments, but will invade your home if they become disoriented.

Thats a horrible thing to happen. Im so sorry.

Im afraid for me it is a step too far. If I find out a business has no loos, or unisex loos, I will go (pun not intended) somewhere else wherever possible. I do not want to use businesses whose facilities I perceive as dangerous or even just make me feel uncomfortable.

And I’m perfectly fine with washing my hands next to a dude.

And don’t get me started on the awkwardness of a man changing menstrual products in the men’s room.

And fucking get rid of gendered washrooms. They should all be universal. Everyone poops the same, for christssakes.

I like the Japanese way of not opening gifts in view of the giver. Not only does one not have to feign delight at a potentially unsuitable/ugly/offensive gift (if required - most gifts are lovely, and yes the thought does count), but it gives an actual real purpose to sending a proper thank you letter/email/text

If you are of childbearing age and you think you might ever, EVER, need these drugs, buy them now, before the PTB somehow clamp down on the service. Buy as many as you can sensibly afford for yourself, your friends, your children, your grandchildren. Hoard these drugs against a possible unfriendly and misogynist future