Lavinia Whateley

Her hair is amazing. Beautiful. I’m very envious.

Im glad its not just me. I got as far as Dr Strange and I just couldnt take any more. Its not that the individual films are bad, not at all, but recently Ive found myself going back to older films (I had a run on sixties/seventies political thrillers recently) which Ive found to be more satisfying. In a while Im

Here’s my top five of 1998 in no particular order

If you can paint your place, paint it white. Except your bedroom, paint that dark, in any colour you love except red or purple unless you want your bedroom to look like a whorehouse. Each to their own. If you can’t decide what colour anything washable should be, choose white; crockery, towels, bedding, all the

I am in the UK: our university education set-up is quite different and rather more limited with regards to moving between subjects. (I investigated maths with philosophy but it just wasn’t feasible.) I ended up doing maths as it is the source of all the others, and enjoyed it thoroughly, but there are days when I cur

Engineering instead of maths. Or maybe computer science. I dont know - everything is interesting :) I mean, come on, who wouldnt want to do astronomy? Archaeology? Its all good. Do what you love.

A scenario that included both characters would be fascinating.

he’s playing a raging asshole

Congratulations to The Happy Couple, and my best wishes. Its nice to read something positive.

Very true. But what I was also thinking about was the weaponry that Britain supplies to Saudi Arabia. Any movement against Canada, not only a NATO member, but also a member of the Commonwealth (although thats usually not important these days) would further raise the ire of the British people against these arms sales.

Delaying purchase is generally a good move these days anyway, just so that you can dodge all the bugs that games tend to be released with. Leave it three months and youll probably have a much less stressful experience.

Canada is a member of NATO. From Wikipedia:

Glad to see you back :)

Spiral Scratch - The Buzzcocks (1977)

It is a dialect word for fox in Northern British English; along with brock for badger and urchin for hedgehog.

It is an excellent book. So is Seveneves.

Dont know how they intend to do timeline here...but remember the character Charles Gunn from Angel? Give him a daughter...

Why do zombie posts keep popping up in my feed FFS. Replied to this before I noticed the date >: |

But can I still call people unpulchritudinous onanists?

Life has handed you all the shit things in one big bunch; sometimes you just need to walk away from it all and take a breath. If you become short of somewhere to crash, I’m in Sheffield and have a spare room.