
That looks like a woman wearing a Richard Nixon Halloween mask!

All I see is Charlie Brown hair...

Some people see butts. Some people see hearts. Some people see balls. Some people see breasts.


Fixed! :)

This is why you’re having a population crisis, Japan.

Tongue-in-cheek as it may be, the whole school girl fetish, both in and out of anime and manga, is something I’m not down with. I mean, the reasons are obvious for the real life fetishism of school girls (not helped by Japan’s marketing of them), but even the anime stuff just doesn’t sit right.

Yeah I agree with all of that that you just said. If that is what people call sexism, that whole social thing that tells people that this or that behavior or mentality is appropriate when it’s really not, then I was wrong to say it has nothing to do with sexism. I think I was just saying that it was more, maybe this

The thing that makes me sad about posts like yours is that so many guys appear to think of women as these alien things - when ultimately we are PEOPLE, just like you. If you have close and warm friendships with men, you can have a relationship with a woman. Most of us are not looking for the World’s Most Interesting

Spoiler alert: It’s made of your mom.

I’m straight, and this is probably still better than the actual Jurassic World movie.

Hilarious! Basically, ‘We’re cheap, are embarassed about our cheapness, and are trying to hide it, with the consequence of leaving out one of the most interesting and popular characters and will instead focus on two of the most boring.’

K-pop music videos are best music videos.

...just avoid shaking anyone’s hand on 7-21 :0)

Dorito-face senpai?

It’s called Parmesan Chicken..

drugging his girlfriend so that he some more video games with a friend.

at this point I would not be surprised.

This explains the Attack of Titan Perfectly. KPop female singers got tired of being restricted by their management and society in having personal lives. So they decided to become genetically engineered monsters to make humanity suffer for their suffering!