Thank you for this article. I had a feeling something like this happened, but now I understand what is behind all of the newest posts in the Australian based Simpsons shitposting group I follow on Facebook.
Thank you for this article. I had a feeling something like this happened, but now I understand what is behind all of the newest posts in the Australian based Simpsons shitposting group I follow on Facebook.
Browns fan here, legitimately excited for 170 yards and 0 turnovers. We have a very low bar for excitement in regards to the Browns.
As a Cavs fan I love it. Improves the team greatly for this year. I already assumed LeBron was leaving anyways, so whatever, we have some decent young players now. But seriously, IT was hurting the team so much this is fantastic. And we still have the Nets pick.
Just got a CX-5 a month ago and I agree about the overall package. There wasn’t one main reason we picked it, just overall we felt like we were getting more for a better value (and obviously we liked driving it, liked how it looked, etc.). One example, the Forester we were test driving didn’t have push button start.…
Are you the Designated Survivor while the rest of the Deadspin staff is at the award ceremony?
Don’t forget that Jimmy Rebates is involved in this dumpster fire as well.
The best piece of marriage advice I ever received (and was actually told this on my wedding night): two comforters, one for each of you. It is amazing. Seriously, it will be one of the best investments you ever make. Roll yourself up without waking you sleeping partner. Dramatically throw it to the floor if you are…
Diagonal is the superior method obviously. I was shocked this was not presented as an option.
lol, I realized that after I had posted.
TIL the Flyers logo is a flying P.
We have the -tucky suffix, but I usually only hear it on “Pennsyltucky.”
The tree lawn is that strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street. And as Sergeant Brimsby pointed out, I forgot that it is the Devil Strip in Akron, which I didn’t learn until a few years ago.
I for one enjoy learning new regional quirks, let’s see some in the comments. I remember being blown away after learning in college that “tree lawn” is a Northeast Ohio thing.
The Cleveland Metropolitan School District has a few good ones, including the Glenville Tarblooders, John Marshall Lawyers, and Collinwood Railroaders.
I was at the Cleveland game today, and I was so excited to finally have a 27 wins! shouted at me in person. Don’t know why Yankee Fan© was there, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Fighting Naps*