
It works far better than you think. I took a photo that was getting flagged as soon as it was posted and tried various levels of editing. Adding borders, watermarks, rotation, gamma and color changes. It was still flagged every time I posted it. It wasn’t until I scribbled a majority of it that it passed the scan and

Pretty sure you are underestimating a nerdy Facebook employees porn tolerance.

Please tell me the pitch meeting for this will be an SNL skit!

All I can say is, “ Well played nerdy Facebook employee who wants to look at porn at work. Well played indeed.” 

“Early reviews of Justice League are in and they are certainly opinions”

Nobody likes you quite as much as you think they do.

If pajamas of myself were available, it would only be right and just to wear them.

Yes, but subways are not exclusive for moving small people, it also moves tall people. I think what Elon wants to build is some kind of underground dwarf slingshot.

Perhaps, but I get the impression they lacked the skills necessary to make whatever repairs were needed.

I don’t mean to be... um cruel/ignorant but couldn’t they have rigged something up? I mean I know the Kon-Tiki was a raft built for a specific purpose but...

The sharks mostly come at night. Mostly.


A bigger problem is that your contact patch with a sphere is much much smaller than with a cylinder. You’d need some very squishy spheres to maintain the same contact patch area and at that point whatever control mechanism you’re using to rotate/control them may not be able to work with such a deformable shape.

The Nyan bear!

I’m not an economist, but 2017 is stupid and every subsequent year will be stupider, so this will definitely happen

My concern is that when this crypto thing crashes, it will bring down the real economy with it considering how finicky these markets are.

Man you must of either got beaten by a priest or woke up with a ruler up your ass.

Honestly, I keep forgetting this movie is out in a month.

I don’t know if you meant to use “scientist” as a verb, but either way I love it and I hope it catches on.

When baby items are gate checked, they go into the hold last, so that they can be quickly retrieved as parents deplane. There would be no “digging around in checked luggage” for it, it’s literally the last thing they put in. AA refusing to go get it was just a dick move, especially when she’s traveling solo with a