
I’m curious, there’s been enough responses that it might be worth testing (on my unsuspecting wife).

One easy to way to tell if you are on the wrong side of an issue is when the other people who agree with you are carrying Nazi flags.

Sexual predators can already follow women into bathrooms. The sign doesn’t have magical powers. It’s already illegal to assault someone and this shit wouldn’t do a damn thing. I’m glad it’s dead for now (you know the republicans won’t give up making things hard for people that they don’t understand).

And tomato, don’t forget the tomato

You know what really kicks ass? Grilled cheese with bacon.

I’m a man of simple tastes (ie. a picky eater), and a while back I ordered a grilled cheese at a local cafe because it looked like the only normal thing on the menu. Much to my disgust I discovered after biting into it that they had slathered honey mustard all inside, and I quite honestly wondered what I had done to

it’s a direct screen grab, mate.

Remember how Obama went grey over 8 years?

Grilled cheese with ketchup... yummmm

That feels like the correct spelling in reference to this, star for you sir!

It gewd

Trump is wisely speaking to his base who love his words. Nearly 100% will show up next year and in 2019 to vote for him. All the disgusted liberals...maybe 40% will show up and vote against him and the GOP that supports because why vote if can stay home an whine about the candidate you wanted (Bernie, etc.) instead of

A blanket, a sheet, or even a towel in a pinch will help alleviate that.

No, you try and convince people you don’t have herpes.

Whats interesting is that he doesnt do a line drawing and then fill in the details, he does it all at once from top to bottom.

If someone is trying to kill me and a bunch of people come to help me, I don’t give a fuck what their skin color is. I’m glad to see people of all races and religions standing up for each other. That’s the ONLY way we succeed in this.

Considering how white supremacy is a white people problem, white people are the only people necessary to end white supremacy. Black people shouldn’t have to fix white supremacy.

Pound-for-pound, Daredevil is the greatest fighter that ever lived!

There is plenty of room for stupid on the internet, of course, but not inside a company where he’s expected to work with and manage the very people he verrrrry publicly called less-qualified for “biological” reasons.

If only there were a way to combine a homogenous-charge engine with a hybrid drivetrain…